It is not my intention to put pressure on anyone in their course to exit Jehovah's Witness religion. That is a personal matter that each individual has to work out and then carry the responsibility for their actions. Also, no one else is in the exact position that we are in at this time. Since my views have been so radically changed from who I was in the past to who I am today, I have to recognize that I am a work in progress. Perhaps this thought will better comunicate what I mean: "the light gets brighter as the day draws near". Not applying this to the governing body, but to all our individual journeys thru life. I make the above comments, because I have observed that if I am perceived as "preaching" the benefit of the facts are lost. We want people to be informed of what happened so they can "carry their own load".
Myself and others who are on this journey with me have put years into coming to grips with the facts. Legal, spiritual, scientific, etc. research is on going. Our view of behind the curtain is quite detailed because of our circumstances. For example: we received a subpoena from the N.Y. corp. of Jehovah's Witnesses. You have to admit that is a game changer. We did not have a master plan. It just happened and we simply responded to the events. One day at a time until we are now disfellowshipped and labeled "mentally deseased", "sly", "cunning", and more ( I would like to ask those responsible for these labels, Really?) We are thinking that the actions by the legal, service, and local elders, display a fear of what we know, rather than a desire to protect the flock. One fact we will hope to get out to the public is the way the shepherds treated all of as when we were sheep. Those facts certainly will back up our perception of their "pertectionism", "self-serving methods", and compartmentalism. This really comes into focus when you add the perspective of contempory court cases and changing new light. Very educational to cut thru the organizations public face and see the behind the scenes events.
We have been made fully aware of the concequences of going public. These are some of the warnings from a professional in the trade, "you could find out there are even hidden consequences". "You might not like the story we tell". "We could spend hours filming and only include seconds of the interview".
My family and friends have been under pressure for so long, we can compare ourselves to of a deep sea diver that has to surface slowly to prevent an embolism or a case of the bends. However, the pressure from not going public is greater than keeping it to ourselves. We have taken our time by talking to those we needed to. Family, friends, lawyers, and elders. We had a list and completed it in a balanced and timely manner. Gently, firm, and loving. Those who decided to be loyal to the organization said so. We acknowledged their position, but demanded our dignity in return. Many of our good byes were made with mutual respect (quite different from the garbage that these elders said from the platform. Bullying, to be sure). Simply put we recognize that the potential benefits of going public outweigh the consequences. Be warned elders and leadership. We are hopeing to make a difference. We are hopeing to help future victims avoid the pain you cause to your sheep. We are not alone by any means. We know you are aware. We urge you to take the high road. Free those you hold in intellectual prison. That would be so good for eveyone concerned.